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The Kanji Estimator

How to use the Kanji Estimator Tool:


 - For every kanji that you know (meaning the Onyomi, Kunyomi, reading, and meaning), select the box. 

- Keep repeating the process until you can no longer do it any more.

- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and hit the orange "Check" button. Your results will come out as a pop-up text box.

* Please keep in mind that this is only an estimate. You may (or may not) know more or less kanji than what is estimated.

Kanji Estimator FAQ

Q: How many kanji do I need to know to be fluent?

A: The truth is that there is no set amount to be considered "fluent" in Japanese. In order to considered a "functionally fluent adult with a college background", the total amount is 2,136 kanji (based on the standard Joyo Kanji list that is set by the Japanese government). But the truth is that most young adults in Japan do not know all of them prior to high school graduation, and still plenty of young Japanese do not go to university. So in all seriousness, it may be considered a lot less.

One goal that I recommend all my students to learn is the Kyoiku Kanji, a list of 1,026 kanji that is taught to Japanese elementary school students from first grade to sixth grade (remember that in Japan, Japanese elementary school ranges from first to sixth grade). Once you master 1,026 kanji that is taught at the elementary school level, most of the Japanese language will open up for you.

Q: What are the total number of kanji that I should know for the JLPT tests?

A: Because the JLPT doesn't really talk about what is covered on their exams, this can get really tricky to say how many kanji you need to know. However, Terakoya Japanese advises the following amounts to increase your chances of passing...

  • JLPT N5: Approximately 100 kanji

  • JLPT N4: Approximately 300 - 500 kanji 

  • JLPT N3: Approximately 750 kanji 

  • JLPT N2: Around 1,000 - 1,500 kanji (The more you know, the better off you will be)

  • JLPT N1: All 2,136 Joyo Kanji​

Q: How much kanji do I need to know for each level of the Kanji Kentei?

A: Fortunately, we have this information. The Kanji Kentei not only tells you how many kanji you need to know for each test, but they also publish what kanji is on each test. In addition, there are a lot of materials you can use (from textbooks, workbooks, and even video games) to prepare for the test.

Here is what you need to know (keep in mind that they review kanji from the previous tests as well). Remember that the test goes from Level 10  (Elementary 1st Grade) to Level 1 (extensively educated native), and most Japanese people only go up to Level 2.

  • Level 10 - 80 Kanji

  • Level 9 - 240 Kanji

  • Level 8 - 440 Kanji

  • Level 7 - 642 Kanji

  • Level 6 - 835 Kanji 

  • Level 5 - 1,026 Kanji (the amount required for the Kyoiku Kanji)

  • Level 4 - 1,339 Kanji

  • Level 3 -  1,623 Kanji

  • Pre - Level 2 -  1,951 Kanji

  • Level 2 - 2,136 Kanji (the amount required for the Joyo Kanji)

  • Pre - Level 1 - 2,965 Kanji

  • Level 1 - 6,350

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